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User interface

Component overview

The UI consists of the following elements:

Automation - UI components

Automation - UI components
  1. Makalu UI main navigation

  2. User menu, remaining session time, and additional links

  3. Channel/system information

  4. Preview area navigation

  5. Channel preview

  6. Time-related rundown information

  7. Next clip preview

  8. Channel rundown

  9. Rundown and player controls

  10. Collapse/expand toggle for the right side and navigation to the areas media, playlist, graphics, recordings, transfer, Asset Uploader, and playlist import

  11. Media asset preview and information (content varies depending on the selected navigation tab/area)

  12. Media asset list (content varies depending on the selected navigation tab)

View modes

The detailed channel view includes two basic view modes, the "default" and the "simple view", providing users/operators with different usage options.

When you first open the detailed channel view, the default view is enabled. It splits the view in the middle into two sides of the same width. On the left side, it displays channel information, preview, and rundown. On the right side, it displays all other areas (for example, media, playlist, graphics, etc.).

Automation - Default view

Automation - Default view

The second view mode is referred to as the "simple view" and is more focused on the rundown. It uses all available space on the left side of the screen for the rundown and displays the preview and all other areas on the right side. To switch between the two views, click the User icon at the top right and select or deselect Show simple view.

Automation - Simple view

Automation - Simple view

In addition, you can collapse and expand the right side, by clicking the Angle icon Angle icon to the left of the Home tab. This display variant uses most of the screen space for the rundown on the left side and minimizes the contents of the Home, Media, and Playlist tabs on the right side, which creates more space for displaying additional columns in the rundown. It is therefore referred to as the "rundown-centric view".

Automation - Rundown-centric view

Automation - Rundown-centric view

Makalu UI main navigation

Via the main navigation, you can access all functional areas of Makalu at any time, by clicking the corresponding tab.


You can also return to the Makalu Hub, by clicking the Makalu logo at the top left.

User menu

The user menu provides the following options:

Option Purpose
User name Displays the name of the user currently signed in
Build Displays the build/version number of the detailed channel view
Open the documentation Open the Makalu user manual
Copy API Token Copy an API token to the clipboard (only relevant for development purposes)
Show simple view Enable/disable the simple view
Switch to Main/Backup Switch the reference player
Logout Log the current user out of the Makalu system

Channel/system information

This area includes the following elements/information:

  • Link to multichannel view (only available for redundant channels)
  • Channel name
  • Reference player (displays "Main" or "Backup", only available for redundant channels)
  • System time
  • System health status indicator

To open the multichannel view, click the multichannel icon Multichannel icon on the left side.

The system time displays the local time of the current user related to GMT/UTC.

The system health status indicator displays the current operating status of the most important internal system components (for example, connection to backend components and player status).

To display an expanded list of individual components, click the system status indicator.

Automation - System health status expanded

Automation - System health status expanded

A green indicator means that the component runs normally, while a red indicator means that it has an error.

The menu button to the right of the system health status Channel actions provides access to the following channel actions:

Action Purpose
Restart main/backup player Restart the main or backup player (requires additional confirmation via dialog)

Warning: Restart the player only in case of an emergency (for example, if a player error occurs). Restarting the player takes a short amount of time. During this time no output signal is generated.
Restart main/backup preview Restart the main or backup preview component (requires additional confirmation via dialog)

Notice: Manually restarting the preview is only necessary if the preview is not displayed as expected.
Delete graphics Remove all currently displayed graphics secondary events (applies to the main and backup player, if redundancy is enabled)

Notice: This can be useful in case of an emergency (for example, if a player error occurs or if graphics are not automatically removed as expected).

Preview area navigation

The icons in the preview area navigation enable you to switch between the preview ( Preview icon ) and the search/replace view ( Icon search ). For more information about the search/replace view, see section Searching for and replacing clips.

Channel preview

Automation - Channel preview

Automation - Channel preview

The channel preview consists of the following elements:

  1. Source selector
  2. Clip name display
  3. Options menu
  4. Recording indicator
  5. Preview player
  6. Peak audio meter

The source selector in the top left corner is only available for redundant channels. It enables you to select the source of the preview player below, by switching between main ("M") and backup ("B"). For non-redundant channels, there is no source selector. Instead, the source display shows "PGM".

To the right of the source selector, the name of the clip currently playing is displayed.

Right beside the clip name display the following actions are available via the Options menu Options icon:

Action Purpose
Show Main/Backup Select the source of the preview player below (identical to the source selector)
Show Audio Open the edit dialog for the clip currently playing to edit the audio mapping (for more information about how to use the audio mapping feature, see section Audio mapping)
Reload preview Reload the preview player

In the right upper corner, the recording indicator displays "REC" if a recording is currently in progress (for example, if the clip currently playing is a live source that is being recorded).

The preview player displays a low-res version of the current player output (backchannel) in real time. It also includes a peak audio meter that supports up to eight audio tracks and indicates the current audio signal level of the channel output.


If you want to use a rundown-focused view you can hide this area by selecting User menu > Show simple view. As a result, the rundown list is extended to the full height of the left side.

In addition, you can collapse and expand the right side, by clicking the Angle icon Angle icon to the left of the media tab.

Automation - Time-related rundown information

Automation - Time-related rundown information

This area provides the following information:

Element Description
Remaining Event
  • Remaining playback time of the clip currently playing, or
  • "LOOP" (the current clip is played in a loop until the operator manually triggers the start of the next clip)
Remaining Show
  • Remaining playback time of the current show, or
  • "LOOP" (the current clip is played in a loop until the operator manually triggers the start of the next clip)
Next Live
  • Remaining time until the next live clip in the rundown, or
  • “LIVE“ (if a live source is currently playing)
Next Missing Remaining time until the next missing element in the rundown (for example, a placeholder for which the corresponding file is not yet available)
On time / Overtime / Undertime
  • "ON TIME" or time difference regarding the scheduled time of elements in the rundown
  • Relevant, for example, if a live clip runs shorter or longer than originally planned
  • "OVERTIME" - If a live clip runs longer than originally planned, the start times of all subsequent events in the rundown are automatically updated and rescheduled to a later time (the times displayed in the rundown are updated accordingly)
  • "UNDERTIME" - If there is a gap between the scheduled end time of a clip and the start time of the subsequent clip
Tip: You can jump to the corresponding clip or gap in the rundown, by clicking the displayed time status.


If you want to use a rundown-focused view you can hide this area by selecting User menu > Show simple view. As a result, the rundown list is extended to the full height of the left side.

In addition, you can collapse and expand the right side, by clicking the Angle icon Angle icon to the left of the media tab.

Next clip preview

Automation - Next clip preview

Automation - Next clip preview

The preview player in this area can either be used to display a preview of the next clip to be played (the clip currently cued) or to display a preview of the backup player output/backchannel (only available for redundant channels). It is useful, for example, to preview and check a clip or a live source before it goes on-air. It also includes a peak audio meter that supports up to eight audio tracks and indicates the current audio signal level of the channel output.

Depending on the currently selected source, in the top left corner, either "PVW" (preview of the next cued clip) or "B" (preview of the backup player) is displayed. Using it to display the preview of the backup player enables you to preview the main and backup player simultaneously.

To the right of the selected source, the name of the next cued clip is displayed.

Right beside the clip name display the following actions are available via the Options menu Options icon:

Action Purpose
Show Backup/Preview Select the source of the preview player below
Reload preview Reload the preview player


If you want to use a rundown-focused view you can hide this area by selecting User menu > Show simple view. As a result, the rundown list is extended to the full height of the left side.

In addition, you can collapse and expand the right side, by clicking the Angle icon Angle icon to the left of the media tab.

Channel rundown

Automation - Channel rundown

Automation - Channel rundown

This area contains the rundown of the current channel. The rundown list contains all playlists, shows, and clips that are scheduled for playout. If the display of playlists and shows is enabled for this list, they can be expanded and collapsed.


To enable or disable the display of playlists and shows, use the Options menu Options icon in the toolbar above the rundown list and enable or display the options Display playlists and/or Display Shows.

You can also use this menu to enable/display the display of additional columns. If you want to enable and display all available columns, an ultrawide monitor is recommended. Alternatively, you can collapse the right side of the UI, by clicking the Angle icon Angle icon to the left of the media tab. This uses most of the screen space for the rundown and minimizes the preview and media areas on the right side.

If a clip has assigned secondary events (for example, graphics), it can also be expanded and the corresponding secondary events are listed.

Depending on the type of the currently selected element in the rundown, the toolbar above contains the following elements:

Icon/Element Description
Reload icon Reload the rundown and update all clip statuses
Expand icon Automatically expand the rundown and jump to the section of the rundown that includes the current on-air clip every 15 seconds

Tip: Deactivate this function to make changes in the rundown undisturbed.
 icon Jump to and select the previous playlist
 icon Jump to and select the next playlist
Search field Search for clips based on their Title or Media ID and find their next (future) occurrence in the rundown

Notice: This function is helpful, for example, if you want to quickly find out when a specific clip is scheduled.

Tip: If you want to check the date a specific placeholder was first used in the rundown, search for the placeholder in the media asset list in the Media tab. If you select a placeholder in this list, its first occurrence in the rundown is displayed in column First Appearance.
Group icon Group selected clips (for more information, see section Using groups)
Delete group icon Ungroup selected clips (for more information, see section Using groups)
Move to top icon Move the selected clip to the top (set it as first clip of the show) (for more information, see section Moving clips)
Move up icon Move the selected clip one position up (for more information, see section Moving clips)
Move down icon Move the selected clip one position down (for more information, see section Moving clips)
Move to bottom icon Move the selected clip to the bottom (set it as the last clip of the show) (for more information, see section Moving clips)
Remove fixed time icon Remove fixed scheduled start time from selected element (for more information, see section Deleting a fixed start time)
Add default graphics icon Add the default graphic to the selected playlist, show, or clip (for more information, see section Assigning or removing the default graphic)
Remove default graphics icon Remove the default graphic from the selected playlist, show, or clip (for more information, see section Assigning or removing the default graphic)
Delete icon Remove the selected playlist or clip
Options icon Open the options menu to access additional actions:
  • Display playlists - Display/hide playlists (if enabled, playlists can be expanded and collapsed in the rundown)
  • Display shows - Display/hide shows (if enabled, shows can be expanded and collapsed in the rundown)
  • Display mediaId - Display/hide the Media ID column
  • Display backup status - Display the Status column also for the backup player (only available for redundant channels - if disabled, the Status column is only displayed for the main player)
  • Show missing assets - Open the Missing assets menu to search for missing assets (see section Searching for and requesting missing media)

The actual rundown list includes the following information:

Column Description
Clock icon Configure a fixed start time of a show/first clip of a show

Depending on whether a fixed time is set or not, the clock icon is displayed as follows:
  • Small clock icon Small gray clock icon - show/first clip of a show does not have a fixed start time
  • Large clock icon Large white clock icon - show/first clip of a show has a fixed start time
Tip: To set a fixed start time click the clock icon.
Start Time Scheduled/actual start date and time of a playlist, show, or clip

Notice: Displays "Loop" if a clip is part of a group that is being looped.
Link Distinguish playlists, shows, and clips, expand/collapse shows, display clip thumbnail

The different types of elements are marked as follows:
  • Playlist - No icon
  • Collapsed icon / Expanded icon Circle with arrow icon - Show collapsed/expanded
  • Clip icon Circle icon - Clip
Tip: To expand/collapse a show, click the circle with arrow icon of the corresponding show.
Event Title Name of the primary or secondary event (playlist, show, or clip), indicator for grouped clips, source selection for live sources

Notice: Grouped clips are highlighted with an orange indicator Group icon (if multiple groups are used, each group is highlighted in a distinct color).

Tip: For clips of type "Live", you can change the source to be used, by clicking the Select source icon Select source icon and selecting the corresponding live source.
Media ID (optional) Clip Media ID (either a specific ID or, in the case of a live clip, the name of the selected live source)

Tip: This column is hidden by default. You can display it by enabling it via the Options menu Options icon in the toolbar above the rundown.
Duration Total playlist, show, clip duration, and remaining time of show/clip currently playing (incl. playback progress bar and countdown during the last 10 seconds before a clip change)

Tip: To open the Edit clip menu, click the Duration field of the corresponding clip.
Status Clip status, possible values:
  • Ready (clip is ready to be played)
  • Cue (next clip to be played, prepared by the player)
  • On Air (clip currently playing)
  • Placeholder (clip is a virtual placeholder)
  • Pending (the file is currently being transferred from the ingest storage to the playout node storage)
  • Cached (file is cached by the player)
  • Error (file cannot be played)
Secondaries Indicates if there are secondary events assigned to the show or clip

The secondary event types are distinguished by the following icons:
  • Graphics secondary event icon - Graphics
  • Recording secondary event icon - Recording
  • Script secondary event icon - Script
  • Splicing secondary event icon (new) - Splicing
  • Subtitle secondary event icon - Subtitle
  • Routing secondary event icon - Routing
  • Audio Mapping secondary event icon - Audio Mapping
Tip: To expand/collapse the list of assigned secondary events, click the corresponding secondaries icon of the corresponding clip or show. You can then also edit the properties of each secondary event (except subtitle secondary events), by clicking the Options icon Options icon on the right side and selecting Edit Secondary.
Flags Clip flags that define how each clip should be played
Options icon Open the options menu for accessing additional actions

Depending on the selected element the available actions are:
  • Playlist
    • Save as - Save the playlist internally under the selected name to make it reusable (first opens a dialog for selecting the playlist name)
    • Delete playlist - Remove the selected playlist from the rundown
  • Show
    • Delete show - Remove the selected show from the rundown
  • Clip
    • Browse for clip - Open the selected clip in the preview in the Media tab and reveal it in the storage folder structure
    • Clip info - Open the Clip info menu to display additional clip information
    • Fix duration - Reset the clip length to the physical media length
    • Edit clip - Open the Edit clip menu
    • Reload clip - Update the statuses of the selected clip
    • Delete clip - Remove the selected clip from the rundown

Secondary events assigned to a clip are listed with the following information:

Column Description
Start-Offset Offset until the secondary event is triggered (based on the start of the corresponding clip)
Type Type of the secondary event (for example, Singular.Live graphics, Splicing, Script)
Title Title of the secondary event
Duration Duration of the secondary event
Flags Delete button for removing the secondary event from the clip

Depending on the type of the event and/or the severity level, the following highlight (row background) colors and icons are used in the rundown:

Color Icon Event type/severity level
🟨 Yellow ⚠ Placeholder
🟪 Purple Live
🟥 Red Missing
🟧 Orange Gap
🟩 Green On air
🟦 Blue Cued

The duration of an event is also highlighted in different colors, depending on whether the duration corresponds to the physical media length or is set shorter/longer. In this case, the following colors are used in the duration field:

Color Duration
⬜ White Set duration corresponds exactly to the physical media length
🟨 Yellow Set duration is shorter than the physical media length
🟥 Red Set duration is longer than the physical media length (also applies to live elements with activated Open End flag)

Tip: Resetting the duration of an event

If the set duration of an event is either shorter or longer than the physical media length (the duration is highlighted either in yellow or red), and you want to reset the duration to the exact physical media length, use the Options menu Options icon on the right side of the event row and select Fix duration.

Below the rundown list, a dropzone is available for adding playlists to the rundown via drag and drop.

Automation - Dropzone for adding playlists to the rundown

Automation - Dropzone for adding playlists to the rundown

Rundown and player controls

Automation - Rundown and player controls

Automation - Rundown and player controls

Via the rundown and player controls you can manually trigger actions to control the player(s) of the corresponding channel. By default, these actions are triggered immediately when you click the corresponding button. The behavior of the controls is customizable. There is an optional security feature, that, if enabled, highlights the selected action first and requires you to confirm the actual trigger with an additional click.

The rundown and player controls provide the following actions:

Action Description
Cue Prev Prepare the previous clip for playback
Take Next Start the playback of the currently prepared/cued clip
Cue Next Either prepare the first clip in the rundown for playback (if no clip is currently cued) or prepare the next clip after the currently cued clip for playback
Sync Synchronize rundown and player

Notice: This action should only be used in case of an error, if rundown and player are not synchronized as expected.
Uncue Uncue the clip currently cued
Stop Stop the playback of the clip currently playing
Eject Stop playback and eject player (set to idle)


The control buttons on the left side are always displayed by default. The buttons on the right side are hidden by default and can be manually displayed. If these buttons are not displayed, you can display them by clicking the Show controls icon Show controls icon at the bottom right of the screen. To hide these buttons, click the Hide controls icon Hide controls icon at the bottom right of the screen.


Automation - Media tab

Automation - Media tab

The Media tab contains the following elements:

  1. Media asset preview

  2. Media asset metadata

  3. List of available media assets

The preview player provides the following controls:

Icon Description
Fast rewind icon Fast rewind
Previous frame icon Previous frame
Jump to mark in icon Jump to mark in
set mark in icon Set mark in
Stop icon Stop
Play icon Play
Set mark out icon Set mark out
Jump to mark out icon Jump to mark out
Next frame icon Next frame
Fast forward icon Fast forward
Volume icon Mute/unmute audio, set volume level
Peak audio meter icon Hide/show peak audio meter
Full-screen icon Enable/disable full-screen playback
Audio track icon Mute/unmute audio channel

Below the player controls the following time-related information of the file currently being previewed is displayed:

Automation - Preview (time-related information)

Automation - Preview (time-related information)
Element/Icon Description
Media/thumbnail with file name Draggable element for adding the media asset to a show in the rundown, including the currently set mark in and mark out timecodes
Position Current playback timecode
Remaining Remaining playback duration
Mark In Mark in timecode
Mark Out Mark out timecode
Duration Total media asset duration
Automation - Trim icon Create a reusable trimmed media asset by applying the currently set mark in and mark out timecodes (for more information, see section Creating trimmed media and adding it to the rundown)
Automation - Reset icon Reset mark in and mark out

To the right of the player window, the technical metadata of the file currently being previewed is listed. This section is divided into the tabs Common, Video, Audio, and Subtitle metadata.

Automation - File metadata

Automation - File metadata


If a Copy icon Hide controls icon is displayed on the left side of a metadata item, you can copy its value to the clipboard, by clicking the corresponding icon. You can paste it, for example, into the search field above the rundown to search for specific clips based on their Title or Media ID.

Below the preview player and the time-related information, the media asset list is displayed. Depending on the selected entry in the Source dropdown menu at the top left, this section either lists all files available on the ingest storage or on the playout nodes that are assigned to the currently selected channel. By default, the "table view" is enabled for the media asset list.

Automation - Media asset list (table view)

Automation - Media asset list (table view)

Alternatively, the media asset list also provides the "grid view". It displays each media asset with a large thumbnail image and the duration as an overlay. You can switch between both modes via the view switch View switch (grid) / View switch (table) at the top right above the media asset list.

Automation - Media asset list (grid view)

Automation - Media asset list (grid view)


While the grid view is enabled, you can preview available live sources, by selecting Live as asset type and hovering your mouse over the corresponding live source thumbnail image.

The toolbar of the media asset list contains the following elements:

Icon/Element Name Description
Select source Select source The source of the media assets to be displayed in the media asset list

Available options are:
  • Playoutdata - central ingest storage, for example, S3 (displayed name can be customized, usually named "Playoutdata")
  • Local_Playout_Storage / Main / Backup - local playout node storage (name can be customized, usually named "Local_Playout_Storage" or "Main" or "Backup", depending on whether it is a redundant or non-redundant system)
Notice: If the local playout storage is selected, the Aging Date is displayed as an additional column in the media asset list. This displays the time when a corresponding file is automatically deleted from the local playout node storage (if the file is no longer used in the rundown) by the housekeeping. It is used to prevent the local storage of the playout node from filling up.

Notice: The status of file transfers from the central storage to the local storage of the playout nodes can be seen from the colored bar on the right-hand side of the Media Title column of the corresponding file. The colors correspond to the following statuses:
  • 🟩 Green - Transfer to playout node(s) successful
  • 🟨 Yellow - Transfer to playout node(s) in progress
  • 🟥 Green - Transfer to playout node(s) failed
Current or recently completed transfers are listed in the Transfer tab.
Title filter Title filter Search media assets of the currently selected type (Live, Placeholder, Secondary Events, or Clips) based on their Title or Media ID
Title filter folder toggle Title filter folder toggle Search for the term entered in the title filter either only in the currently selected folder (default, if the toggle is set to Folder) or in all available folders (if the toggle is set to All) (only available if asset type Clips is selected)
Live source filter Live source filter Filter the available live sources based on their type (only available if asset type Live is selected)

Available options are:
  • All (all available live sources)
  • Backchannel (returned playout channel outputs)
  • Live sources (live signal feeds - compressed signals/SRT live sources are highlighted with a red thumbnail, SDI live sources are highlighted with a green thumbnail)
  • Live sources of the (current) channel
Time filter Time filter Filter the displayed media assets based on the date they were imported into the system

Available options are:
  • All (default, no time filter applied)
  • Today
  • Yesterday
  • Last week
  • Last month
View switch (grid) / View switch (table) View switch Switch between table view (enabled by default) and grid view

Notice: The view switch is only available in the view modes "default" and "simple". It is not available in the "rundown-centric view".
Reload assets Reload assets Refresh the media asset list

If you select a media asset, different columns and metadata are displayed in the list, depending on the selected type.


Some of the columns in the list are sortable. You can sort a column, by clicking the Sort icon Sort icon to the right of the corresponding column title.


The thumbnail image to the left of the Event Title column is marked with CC if subtitles were uploaded for the selected file. If you preview such a file, you can select the subtitle language to be used or enable/disable the subtitle display, by clicking the CC icon in the preview player and selecting the corresponding option.

Trimmed media assets are recognizable by a thumbnail image marked with a scissor icon Sort icon. For more information about trimming, see section Creating trimmed media and adding it to the rundown.

The Status column provides an aggregation of several statuses for each file, that includes checks of thumbnail, proxy file, metadata, checksum, video metadata, resolution, and framerate. It either displays a green checkmark or a red warning sign, depending on whether all checks were successful or if there was an error.

Tip: Displaying a detailed status list

You can display a detailed status list, by hovering your mouse over the displayed Status icon.

Automation - Detailed media asset status (time-related information)
Automation - Detailed media asset status

The following actions are available via the Options menu Options icon on the right side of each row in the list:

Action Purpose
Preview asset Open the selected asset in the preview player (available for media items of type live, placeholder, and clip)

Tip: Placeholders cannot be played back because they are virtual assets. Opening a placeholder in the preview player displays the metadata of the corresponding asset. This enables you, for example, to copy the Title or Media ID of the selected placeholder asset to the clipboard and paste it into the search field above the rundown. This way you can find all occurrences of the asset in the rundown.

Tip: If you hover your mouse over the Path metadata item, the full file path is displayed which indicates where the corresponding file is expected.
Delete placeholder Delete the selected asset (only available for media items of type placeholder)
Re-process asset Trigger a full file processing again for the selected file (only available for media items of type clip) and afterward, trigger file transfer from ingest storage to playout nodes again

Tip: This can be useful if there is a problem with a file (for example, proxy file does not exist) which is indicated by a red warning sign in the Status column.
Re-process thumb Trigger the file processing again only for the thumbnail image of the selected file (only available for media items of type clip)
Upload asset Trigger file transfer from central ingest storage to local playout node storage (only available for media items of type clip)

Notice: The transfer is only executed if a file change is detected on the central storage that deviates from the file on the local storage (based on the file checksum).
Request media Request initial or renewed transfer of the corresponding file from a connected MAM to the ingest storage (only available for media items of type placeholder when the system is connected to an external MAM)

Notice: This function can also be triggered via the Missing assets menu as described in section Searching for and requesting missing media.

If the rundown-centric view is enabled, the Media tab is minimized on the right side.

Automation - Media tab in rundown-centric view

Automation - Media tab in rundown-centric view

In this display variant, the media information displayed is reduced to a minimum and the preview player provides basic preview functionality. Media type and folders can be selected via corresponding dropdown menus. Media items can be added to the rundown in the same way as in the default or simple view mode (for more information, see section Adding media to the rundown). The same applies to replacing a clip in the rundown with another media item (for more information, see section Replacing a clip with another media item).


Automation - Playlist

Automation - Playlist

The Playlist tab contains all available playlists of the current channel. Each playlist can be expanded to list all included components (shows, clips, secondary events, and metadata). See section Schedule for information about how to create playlists.

The toolbar at the top contains the following elements:

Element/Icon Description
Search playlist Search a playlist by title
Number of playlists Number of playlists to display
Playlist time filter Filter the displayed playlists based on their scheduled airtime

Available options:

  • Today
  • Tomorrow
  • Next 7 days
  • Next 14 days
  • Next 30 days
  • Past (default)
  • All
Add icon

Add the selected playlist to the rundown

The position/time where the playlist is added to the rundown depends on the following:

  • if the playlist does not have a fixed start time, it is appended to the rundown as the last element (directly after the previous last playlist, without creating gaps)
  • if the playlist does have a fixed start time but you leave the Sched checkbox unchecked, it is appended to the rundown as the last element (directly after the previously last playlist, without creating gaps) ignoring the fixed start time
  • if the playlist does have a fixed start time and you activate the Sched checkbox, it is appended to the rundown corresponding to the fixed start time (creating a gap if the start time is not set directly after the end of the previous playlist)

Delete icon Delete the selected playlist
Reload icon Reload the list of available playlists

The list of playlists includes the following information:

Column Description
Expand icon Expand the playlist to display a list of included shows, and expand further to display a list of clips included in a show
Playlist icon / Show icon Icon of the corresponding type of rundown element (playlist, show) or thumbnail in case of a clip
Title Playlist title

Playlist revision

Depending on whether a playlist is used in the rundown, the revision number is highlighted as follows:

  • Playlist revision Not highlighted - the playlist is not used in the rundown
  • Playlist revision - no update available Highlighted with gray background color - the latest version of the playlist is used in the rundown, no update is available
  • Playlist revision - update available Highlighted with yellow background color - an older version of the playlist is used in the rundown, but can be updated to the latest version

Tip: You can jump/scroll to the corresponding playlist in the rundown, by clicking the highlighted revision number.

Scheduled time Planned start time of the playlist
Fixed Displays a clock icon if the playlist has a fixed start time
Duration Playlist duration
Created Playlist creation date and time
Sched If enabled, the playlist can be added to the rundown using its planned start time as a fixed time (for more information, see the description of the playlist toolbar)
Channel Name of the playout channel for which the playlist was created or "Global" if the playlist is not assigned to a playout channel (for example, if the playlist was not created via Makalu Traffic but imported from a connected NRCS (Newsroom Computer System) and no channel is specified)


Some of the columns in the list are sortable. You can sort a column, by clicking the Sort icon Sort icon to the right of the corresponding column title.

If the rundown-centric view is enabled, the Playlist tab is minimized on the right side.

Automation - Playlist tab in rundown-centric view

Automation - Playlist tab in rundown-centric view

In this display variant, the playlist information displayed in the list is reduced to a minimum. Details of a selected playlist are displayed below the list. Playlists can be added to the rundown in the same way as in the default or simple view mode (for more information, see section Adding a playlist to the rundown). The same applies to updating a playlist (for more information, see section Updating a playlist). As playlists cannot be expanded when the rundown-centric view is enabled, only entire playlists can be added to the rundown, but not selected individual elements/clips used in a playlist.


Automation - Singular.Live graphics dashboard

Automation - Singular.Live graphics dashboard

The Graphics tab includes an embedded version of the Singular.Live composition dashboard, allowing you to manually trigger Singular.Live graphics for the current channel directly from within Makalu Automation.

For more information about how to use graphics, see the Graphics section.



The Recordings tab and the corresponding secondary event type listed under Media > Secondary Events > Recordings are only available if the optional Makalu Recording module is enabled for the currently selected playout channel. For more information, see section Recording.

Automation - Recordings

Automation - Recordings

In the Recordings tab, you can record available (live) sources by using available recording channels. For more information about how to create recordings, see section Recording.

The tab contains the following areas:

  1. Preview - Preview and controls of the currently selected recording channel

  2. Channel list - List of available recording channels

  3. Preferences - Preferences for creating a new recording job for the currently selected encoder

  4. Recordings - List of existing recording jobs

The Preview area (1) provides the following controls and information:

Element Description
Prepare a recording Prepare a recording
Start a recording Start a recording
Stop a recording Stop a recording
Split a recording Split a recording
Cancel a recording Cancel a recording
Delete a recording job Delete a recording job
Current Current recording duration of the selected recording job
Total Total recording time of the selected recording job
Next Time until the next scheduled recording job starts on the selected encoder
Source Source of the selected recording job
Input Input format of the selected source
Profile Profile of the selected recording job
Status Status of the selected encoder or recording job
Name Title of the selected recording job

In the Channel list area (2) all available recording channels are listed. Depending on their current status, channels are highlighted in one of the following colors:

  • Gray - The channel is offline or has no active recording jobs
  • Green - A recording job is currently prepared
  • Red - A recording job is currently running

By default, only recording channels that are assigned to the currently selected playout channel are displayed in this list. This is recognizable by the switch at the top, which is set to Channel by default. Optionally, you can also display all globally available recording channels by setting it to All.


If you select a recording channel from the list, its default settings are displayed to the right in the Preferences area (3). All current recording jobs of the currently selected recording channel are listed in the Recordings area (4) at the bottom.

Using the Channel setting of the switch makes it easy to see which recordings have already been created or which recording secondary events have already been scheduled in the rundown for the currently selected playout channel. It is useful to avoid possible conflicts before creating new recording jobs.

Setting the switch to All lists all globally available recording channels. It enables you to perform rundown-independent recordings (e.g. feed ingest), regardless of which playout channel is currently selected in the detailed channel view of the Makalu Automation.

The Preferences area (3) provides the following input options:

Name Description
Title Title of the recording job

Name of the file to be recorded

Notice: If no file name is provided, the title is used as the file name.

Folder Destination folder where to store the recorded file
Source Source stream to be recorded
Save As Default Set the currently selected source as default for the currently selected encoder
Profile Format/recording profile of the file to be recorded

Recording job type, available options:

  • Single shot - to be used for single file recording jobs (after stopping the recording job it cannot be used again)
  • Multi shot - to be used for multi-file recording jobs (the recording can be stopped; the recording job can be used again to record another file and each time another recording is started, a consecutive number is appended to the file name)
Split If enabled, a recorded file can be split either manually via the corresponding control or automatically based on the "Automatic Split" time setting
Automatic Split

Time interval for automatically splitting a recorded file

Notice: This option is only available if "Split" is enabled.

Loop Enable to enable the retention period field
Retention period Select a duration (in hours) when a recorded file is automatically deleted
Apply Create a recording job with the current settings
Schedule Activate the checkbox to create a scheduled recording job
Start Start time of the scheduled recording job
End End time of the scheduled recording job
Add Create a scheduled recording job with the current settings

Duration of the scheduled recording job

Notice: The duration is only available if "Schedule" and the toggle switch next to "End" are enabled.

Open end

Activate the checkbox to create a scheduled recording job without specifying an end time

Notice: In this case, the recording job must be stopped manually.

The Recordings list (4) contains all current recording jobs of the currently selected recording channel.

The area above the list includes the following controls and information:

  • Dropdown menus - Filters for narrowing the list based on the selected job status, type, or channel
  • Failed - The number of failed recording jobs
  • Completed - The number of completed recording jobs
  • Paging - Controls for navigating multiple pages of the list (if applicable)
  • Refresh - Refresh the list

The list provides the following information and controls:

Column Description
Title Title of the recording job
Channel Recording channel/encoder used for the recording
Type Type of the recording job, available options:
  • Event (event-based, scheduled start and stop)
  • Crash (manual start and stop)
  • Schedule (scheduled start and stop)
For more information, see section Recording job types

Status of the recording job, available states:

  • Idle
  • Created
  • Completed
  • Error
  • Prepared
  • Preparing
  • Queued
  • Running
  • Started
  • Starting
  • Stopped
  • Stopping
  • Canceled
Start time

Scheduled start time of the recording job

Notice: In the case of an event-based recording job, the scheduled start time of the corresponding primary event in the rundown is displayed by default.


Scheduled duration of the recording job

Notice: In the case of an event-based recording job, the scheduled duration of the corresponding primary event in the rundown is displayed by default.


Actions for controlling a recording job, available controls (the same as in the preview area):

  • Prepare recording
  • Start recording
  • Stop recording
  • Split recording
  • Cancel recording
  • Delete recording job

The Options menu Options icon provides the following additional actions:

  • Job info - Display detailed information about the recording job
  • Delete job - Delete the recording job


In the Transfer tab, all file transfers from the central ingest storage to playout nodes are listed, that are currently running or were recently finished. It also provides an overview of file processing jobs.

Automation - File transfer list

Automation - File transfer list

For redundant channels, two tabs at the top left of this area enable you to select either the Main or Backup playout node (for non-redundant channels, only one tab is displayed for the main channel). Depending on your selection, the corresponding file transfers are displayed. The number in brackets beside the playout node name indicates how many file transfers to this node are currently running. The columns of the list provide details about each file and the transfer progress.

The action column provides the following elements:

Icon/Element Description
Select source Pause file transfer
Select source Cancel file transfer
Select source Retry/re-trigger file transfer

Below the transfer list, in the Disk space area the available storage space of the selected playout node is displayed.

For information about how to trigger a file transfer manually, see section File transfer.

The File processing tab at the top left of this area displays a list of file processing jobs, that are currently running or were recently finished. When a file is uploaded to the central ingest storage, a corresponding file processing job is automatically created and added to the list.

Automation - File processing list

Automation - File processing list

Via the dropdown menu above the file processing list, you can filter the list based on the job status (created, completed, failed, and/or running). Right beside the dropdown menu, there is an options menu with additional display options for the file processing list. The columns of the list provide details about each file processing job.

During file processing, a progress bar is displayed for each job, showing the current processing phase (download, pre-processing, processing, or post-processing).

A file processing job can have one of the following statuses:

Icon Description
Success icon Processing successfully completed
⚠ Processing is currently in progress
Error icon Error during processing


You can display additional status details, by hovering your mouse over the corresponding status icon.

If a file processing job is currently in progress or has ended with an error, the corresponding status icon is also displayed to the right of the name of the Transfer tab.

The action column provides the following elements:

Icon/Element Description
Retry job icon Restart complete file processing
Kill job icon Cancel file processing
Reprocess job icon Restart file processing for selected files (available options: checksum, low-res proxy, and/or thumbnail)

Below the file processing list, additional statistics are displayed (running jobs, queued jobs, and failed jobs).

For information about how to trigger a file processing manually, see section File processing.

At the bottom of the Transfer tab, the media asset list is displayed. This is the same list with the same functionality as in the Media tab.

Asset Uploader

The Asset Uploader tab integrates the functionality of the Asset Uploader into the Makalu Automation UI.

Automation - Asset Uploader

Automation - Asset Uploader

For information about how to use the Asset Uploader see section Ingest.

Playlist Import

The Playlist Import tab enables you to import XML-based playlists created by Makalu or by third-party traffic systems.

Automation - Playlist import

Automation - Playlist import

The list of imported playlists provides the following information:

Column Description
Title Name/title of the playlist
Missing Files Number of files missing on the ingest storage

Notice: For each imported playlist, a missing file list is created. This list includes all files that are used in the imported playlist but are not yet available on the ingest storage. For each of these files, a placeholder asset is automatically created, so that the playlist can already be used in a rundown.

Notice: Missing file lists can also be exported. For more information, see section Exporting a missing file list.
Revision Playlist revision number (each time a playlist with the same name/title is imported, the revision number is increased)
Channel Target channel
Process Progress/status of the playlist processing/import
Import Start the playlist import

For more information, see section Importing a playlist.